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Naturopathy treatment for schizophrenia

Hello dear friends, I am back once again with new energy and new content.

  My name is Dr. Vinod Kumar, today we will tell you how you can cure schizophrenia naturally. When you write natural cure of schizophrenia in Google, along with the meaning of it, Google will also say that there is such a mental illness, whose pill is whose medicine. and you Will have to eat all my life.

So this Google and all the psycho doctors who are allopathic doctors are even ahead of the Supreme Father God who told us that you can remain healthy without medicine because you are made of five elements.

Friends, so today I will tell you how you can stay healthy from this schizophrenia disease in a natural way without these medicines.

   First let us understand what modern science calls schizophrenia.

  Mental illness is schizophrenia. Mental disorder has come. Mental problem has come.

  But Naturopathy believes that your intelligence became weak due to three reasons.

number one

For any disease you used allopathy medicine, it went inside the very subtle nervous system and damaged it.


Your unnatural food harmed him

  third stress

   stress damaged it

Now how can you fix it?

  Before curing, check the system of your patient or your family members. If you feel that this system is a good treatment for schizophrenia, then start the treatment accordingly. Then I will tell you the system. I said that this is the brain, this week. Your mind, which was strong till now, is either weak. Due to the combination of both, there is a balance in your body. If your brain is strong, your mind is strong. When both are coordinated, an intelligent person is born and If there is a combination of both, this brain is also weak, or the mind is also weak, if there is a combination of both, a foolish person is born, a mad person, then what is our main objective, that is to strengthen it, brain mind, brain mind, okay.
What are the symptoms

  First Symptom

Look, what is there in thinking? A person who is in ecstasy starts seeing things which are not visible to others and starts hearing things which are not heard by others, but there is an exception to this, our Rishi Muniyon has Brahma Drishti where If I can see beyond what my eyes can see, then we will not call it schizophrenia. Great scientists will call it another Brahmalok. They also have an idea of Brahmalok. They also measure that thing. Okay, so this. there is an exception

Second Symptom

  To believe that someone is conspiring against me. Hat thinking. An intelligent person also thinks the same. The one who has a lot of property and a lot of power is also in danger. Intelligent but not to trust the one who should be trusted. This thinking is not representative. Okay.

So this is the second one, there is difficulty in speaking, problem of self care and lack of motivation, slow movement, take care of yourself, if you take care of yourself, you will remain healthy. If a man does not take care of himself, he starts becoming unwell, his brain also starts getting damaged. so it is

  What naturopathy treatment is there at this time?

Naturopathy Treatment MEANS without medicine

  What is written here means that they want to sell you medicine and our job is that nature has been created by God, there is no use of medicine in it, there is no use of money in it, okay.

  So this is a system, there is one thing in it which you have to follow for your patient, then see its miracle first.

1st Step: Massage for the brain

  Whoever is struggling with this problem, his brain has become weak, massage him well. Whatever blocks or clots come, rotate him well and relax his brain. I myself massage my brain. You can do this. Take coconut oil in hot weather, then see the miracle, all the nerves will open. Okay, so what is this, all this madness of his will end and he will get mental stability.

2nd Step: Care and Love

  How nice is Care and Love ❤️ by family members 
How pleasurable is Love and Care. Look at any living being, it shows great care and love towards its child. When elders grow up, be it 60 years, 55 years or younger. He is your partner, life partner or your brother or sister who has got this problem, then love and care for him/her, you have to fulfill your responsibility. If a medicine man or a psycho man will give you a pill, he will cure you or your brother. Your father will cure your mother who has schizophrenia. Okay, this will not cure schizophrenia. You just love.

Step 3 : Meditation

Teach your patient who is schizophrenia about  Meditation with Maa and Om
  Father, Mother, Sister. First of all call him mother. No matter what his body language is while speaking, he cannot pronounce it properly, but we have been using the word mother since the time I did not even know how to speak. So we just forgot, when we remember it in the morning and evening, I remember very big texts, so before memorizing the big text, we have to do meditation to increase the power of intellect, we have to call him, he will speak because from the root. Everyone is connected, connected to the roots, he also has a soul inside him, he will say MAA, then for 15-20 minutes, after that, OM for 15-20 minutes, when these two powers come together and say OM, then his intelligence will increase thousands of times and that is true. The direction of his mind will represent you, it will represent the whole world, okay and this medicine business will all end because what is their work, give fear and give medicine and take this donation and expand this business then we should not do this. Ok

Step 4: Exercises

Exercise: Make him exercise slowly. It is such a good exercise. You rotate your neck. It is such a good exercise. Try it. We have to take care of him like a child. We have to teach him. No matter what his age is, he will learn and play with joy. He will be ok and exercise is strength for his mind. Make him a hobby in gardening. Make him a hobby in travelling. You went with him to do Yog and Pranavyam. When I took long breaths, it goes to the brain, so you make him do long breathing. So as much oxygen goes inside, whatever blockages or weaknesses they have, all of them will become stronger, then your relative family member will be completely fine. Schizophrenia will not follow him, okay he will recognize the reality and he will have motivation to live in it.

There will be a pull that I have to take life forward

Step 5: Fruits and desi cow milk and desi cow ghee

  If you give him fruits, milk and desi ghee, these three things will bring strength to all the shortcomings of his body and if you have fruits in your house, it is fun like there is shehtut in my house, then I think. I feel that there is weakness somewhere in me, so I wait for that time when those fruits will come to my house and the day fruits come to my house, my brain and my mind become 100 times more powerful, this is in front of you. There is a mother cow in my house, you have a mother cow in your house, serve her, feed her milk, take out one spoon of her desi ghee and give her a spoon to eat and all the diseases will end or schizophrenia will leave her 10 steps behind, 
Also put desi ghee in the havan yag. .

The fragrance of Havan will cure madness, anxiety , depression or stress, whatever it may be, it will create so much energy in your mind and make you powerful.
Because this is a nanotechnology which is sunlight, it has the effect of getting Vitamin D from this in winters.

6th Step: Stop Allopathic medicine

Throw the medicine in the dust bin because it will fool even you, the family member, who will keep feeding you pills all day long, thinking that as long as he takes the pill, he will be fine.

  Don't give your hard earned money to these dacoits, thieves and thugs, all your problems will be completely solved by naturopathy.

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Acidity,5,AIDS,2,Allergies,1,Anger Management,4,animal therapy,2,Answers,1,Asanas,9,Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition),2,Attitude,1,Bacterial diseases,1,bite treatment,1,Blood Pressure,5,Bone and joint Diseases,4,Boost Immune System,11,Brahmachari Song,1,Brahmacharya,31,Cancer,3,Cholesterol,1,Cold,1,Conceive the Baby,1,Constipation,1,Control Sexual Urges,1,Cough,3,cure baldness,1,Diabetes,1,Diagnosis,2,Diet Plan,16,Differences,1,digestion system,1,digestion system disease,1,Discipline Quality,1,Ear Diseases,1,Emotions,21,ENT,1,Environment Protection,4,Exercise for Health,50,Eyes Diseases,1,FAQ,1,Fasting,3,fat burn,2,Fever,2,Fibroids in Uterus,9,Fitness,1,Free Solutions,12,Gallbladder Stone,9,gangrene,1,Gastritis,1,ghee,1,God,1,Good Habits,7,Gratitude,3,Habit,1,Hair Diseases,3,Happiness,7,Heal,1,Health Dictionary,33,Health Motivation,15,Health Tips,56,Heart Diseases,4,Height Converter,1,Height Increase,28,Hernia,25,HIV,3,Human anatomy,1,Human Body,3,Hydrocele,10,Hypothyroidism,2,IBS,9,Indian Cow,1,Infectious diseases,3,Jaundice,1,Kidney Diseases,1,List of Fruits,1,Liver Diseases,9,Love,1,Lungs diseases,2,Meal Planning,2,Medical Test Reports,2,Meditation,3,Men's Health,3,Mind,6,Mud Therapy,1,Natural Medicine,10,Natural Foods,14,Nature,2,Naturopathy,1,Naturopathy Techniques,4,Naturopathy Treatment,60,Never Eat Meat,1,Night Fall,1,Niyam,1,Non- Veg.,1,Notification,1,Obesity,1,Ovary Cysts Solutions,4,overcome sex,5,Overcome Sexual Thoughts,1,Overcome the Addiction,16,Overweight,2,Oxygen Level,2,pain,11,Pancreas diseases,2,Peace of Mind,1,Personality Development,3,Piles,2,Plants and Tree Donation Campaign,1,Positive emotions,6,Positivity,7,Pranavayam,3,Pranayama,1,Productivity Tips,1,Psychological Treatment,43,Quiz,1,Relationship,1,Reproductive System Diseases,3,Reproductive System Health,3,Respectfulness,1,Respiratory system diseases,7,Running,2,Sciatica,1,Self Confidence,9,Shoulder Pain,6,Silence,3,Sinusitis,2,Skin Diseases,6,Solutions,24,song,2,Spleen Diseases,12,Stomach Diseases,21,Streches,1,Strength Exercises,5,stress,4,Stress Management,9,success,1,Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital,1,Symptoms of Diseases,13,Teeth Diseases,3,Testimonials,8,Thankfulness,2,thinking,5,Thoughts Leadership,5,Urinary System Diseases,1,Varicocele,15,Vegetables,1,Videos,2,Weight Gain,7,Weight Loss,4,Woman Naturopathy Treatment,20,Written Content,1,Yog,10,Yum,1,
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital: Naturopathy treatment for schizophrenia
Naturopathy treatment for schizophrenia
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital
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