You should not go for surgery of fibroids because it has following side effects
1. The name of surgery of fibroid in which surgeon removes the fibroids is Myomectomy.
2. Then name of surgery of fibroid in which surgeon removes whole uterus is called hysterectomy.
So, we are explaining side effects of both one by one
Side effects of Myomectomy
1. Risk for Normal Pregnancy
You know that fibroids creates the barrier for pregnancy. Even, if you remove the fibroid tumor through myomectomy, still normal pregnancy will difficult because this surgery weak the power of your uterus. So, if you want to keep the power of your uterus, you need to treat it naturally instead surgery.
2. Risk to Life if Shortage of Blood
During this surgery, there may big loss of blood and if not arrange blood on time, it may be risky to life.
So, better is choose natural treatment of fibroids.
3. Connect parts of uterus each other abnormally
It is the side effects of fibroid surgery that uterus part may connect each other abnormally. That is called adhesions.
With this, you may face abdominal pain, bloating, constipation.
4. hysterectomy may Possible in Myomectomy
Even doctor has told you, he is removing your fibroid with myomectomy but if blood will not stop or other reason, he will free to remove your uterus. So, you go to surgery, you will also allow to remove your uterus, so, better is treat your fibroids through nature power.
5. Birth control pills
For decreasing your blood flow in your uterus, your surgeon will allow you to eat birth control pills which will have also side effects
a) it will more disorder your harmons
b) It will increase your infertility even after surgery of fibroids.
Side Effects of Hysterectomy
1. Wound not healed and Infection
If you have diabetes, your wound will not healed after hysterectomy and same unhealed wound will increase the infection.
2. Adhesion
Same problem as Myomectomy
3. Loss of Bone
Uterus connected with the ovaries which is equal to the tastis of male. In male, we say semen and in female we say egg or raj kan. Lack of raj kan, body loss its uj and tej and body starts to loss its bone. Digestion will also decrease because woman vetal energy in the ovaries. So, never go to hysterectomy, treat fibroids naturally, if you want to young all the time.
How can we control fibroid naturally