IBS is the life style disease which comes due to weak of intestine.
Following are its main symptoms
Constipation has also major symptom of IBS. Your normal pass of your stool will stop. Even, you added your body pressure but your stool does not pass because your large intestine has the problem of total contraction. Brain stress also plays major role in it. Brain does not take better decision about when to pass, how much water absorb in stool for better normal passing and communication with anus muscles.
2. Loose motion
Continually non stop loose motion is also one of major symptom of IBS.You get waterly loose motion after few days. It means, your intestine
is so weak to absorb food's nutrition and it is going outside without absorbing the nutrition. It is very serious condition and will be very stressful.
3. Gas
You will often feel gas.
4. Stomach pain
Lower stomach pain is most common symptoms. It may be before or after bowel movement. You tried to pass your stool but it has hard and after eating more, condition will become more painful
5. Cramping
some time, you feel cramping. Cramping comes when there is in large intestine
6. Rectal bleeding
If you have long constipation, you can see your rectal bleeding in your IBS symptom
7. Weight loss
8. Anemia
9. Vomiting
10. Slow Bowel Movement
Neither stool motion nor constipation, you will feel slow your bowel movement. At one setting, your total stool will not pass. Due to this, your energy will more waste.