1. Not cleaning the intestines
When we do not clean our intestines, dirt slowly starts accumulating in it and when it goes down into the sediment, it cannot go further and gets collected in the form of fluid due to which hydrocele occurs.
2. Not walking every day
A person who does not walk will inevitably suffer from some disease. This is also the reason for hydrocele. Due to not walking, a person becomes weak and cannot digest the food properly, due to which he starts complaining of constipation and the dirt produced by constipation reaches his testicles and due to this, he suffers from constipation. He gets trapped in this disease and due to pain he is neither able to walk nor sleep.
3. Eating unnatural foods
Today humans consume non-veg, eggs, oily, spicy and flour-rich(meda ) food, sweets and salt and drink cold water and tea , plastic pack food. This is not human food at all. Eating this unnatural food does not clean the stool from his stomach because this food is not digestible. When he starts eating this food every day, first of all his intestinal movement stops and his blood does not form. On the contrary, this toxic fluid finds its new place and finds it in the scrotum and gradually the size of the scrotum increases. And pain starts in the veins here, no matter how much burden one has to bear, the scrotum and the sperm residing here begin to suffocate and its number also reduces.
People organize dirty parties and feasts to eat dirty food. Where he drinks the poison of Pepsi and Coca Cola and becomes ill.
4. Not exercising
Today man remains lying in bed the whole day. He is sitting at the shop, running the laptop in the office for ten hours, just going from office to home and from home to office in the name of leg exercise. This is not exercise. Exercise means exercise of every body part. In its absence, the waste from the body stopped coming out and sweating stopped. And men got hydrocele. Earlier people used to keep mother cows, picking up her dung, milking, making butter, making desi ghee etc. were exercises and there was no disease.
5 Becoming adulterous
After the advent of the Internet, today's humans have become even more adulterous. Due to which his semen is being destroyed without the ability to produce a child and due to this destruction his ability to fight diseases has also reduced. Once this disease starts, it keeps on increasing and does not show signs of decreasing, the reason being the adulterous nature of human beings.