Before overcome the greed for money, you have to understand the greed of money.
1. What is Greed for money
To make and grow your money by bet of your reputation, your freedom, your family and your friends and your society and your health.
See the balance
You want to get money and you want to give your loss of reputation and freedom for this.
This is your greed.
2. Example of Greedy for Money
Following are the main examples of greed of money
1. Broker of black money to white money
2. Rubbery
3. Theft
4. Cheating
5. Fraud
6. Mislead
7. unlawful act
8. black marketing
9. bribe
10. Sell the country for money
3. Psychological and Health Side-Effects of Greed for Money
If that person will not catch with the police and jail, he will get always fear of police and jail. He will be stressful and his immunity will decrease and lots of diseases will catch him
If that person will catch with the police, you will go to jail and you have to attend court in the front of court,
your reputation will decrease. Your freedom will in risk. You will lose your family, friends, relatives, society. You will face stress and depression.
Now, Think yourself
Is it Intelligence to Give the Things whose value we can not count for getting small money.
4. Secret of Overcome the Greed for Money
Now, everyone can grow this wealth and money without greed. Solution is simple. Increase your ability by increasing your knowledge and then increase your value 100 times.
You have to set the goal of READING AND LEARNING
This goal will be for one day, one week and one month and one year and for 5 years and for 10 years.
With this reading and learning, your ability will increase. With this ability, you take high fees for your service. This is not greed and this best solution not to be greedy.
1. Always remember, there is no short cut of success.
2. Gambling is lose of money and reputation.
3. Never run the money by betting your reputation, your reputation value is more than earned money.
4. If you have the knowledge, world will respect and give same money what you want with happiness.
5. My Story to Grow My Money without Greed
Now, for inspiring you, I am sharing my story for growing my money without greed.
1st Month of 2005 = I gave my free service of naturopathy and yog in my service.
2nd Month of 2005 = I got Rs. 50 per patient for full personal treatment
2005 to 2016 = I got knowledge of naturopathy and psychology and increased my experience in 11 years.
2016 = I started my youtube channel and made first video and started to give personal treatment with small fees of Rs. 1000
2017 = I have taken Rs. 2000 per patient fees
2018 = I have taken Rs. 4000 per patient fees
2019 - 2020 = 2 years, I have taken Rs. 6000 per patient fees
2021 = 1 year, I have taken Rs. 10,000 per patient fees
2022 = 1 year, I have taken Rs. 15,000 per patient fees
6. 100% Surrender for Getting Knowledge for Increasing Your Value
If you will surrender 100% for getting knowledge for increasing your value, your value will surely increase and you will have the confidence to increase your fees.
If you will not surrender 100%, you will not gain your knowledge and due to ignorance, you will bet your reputation, goodwill, freedom and health for getting
7. Thankful and Appreciate What You Have
When you will be thankful and appreciate what you have, you will start to satisfy. Your focus is to give instead to get. You will up from the ignorance to spend all time to collecting money and keep it in safe side. You spend your time to thankful to God and people that you have already collected lots of money and now it appreciate your achievement. Now, you will focus to give this value and value balance to price and you will get succeed to kill greed of money.
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