1. Think always that you are healthy. Health is always in your thinking. If you think you are healthy, you are healthy.
2. Think, health is necessary for enjoying life. So, give it priority before eating anything.
3. Think, health can open millions good opportunities for you.
4. Think, hard work for getting health through nature never waste.
5. Think, God will bring health for you like free grass growth
6. Think, your every health goal will achieve
7. Think , your birth is for becoming healthy and fit.
Now, we understand these points in detail
1. Think always that you are healthy. Health is always in your thinking. If you think you are healthy, you are healthy.
God has you made healthy. You think negative and feel fear that you have big disease or you will capture big disease, it brings disease. If you reject this negative thinking, you will be all time healthy.
God has made unlimited resources to make you healthy in the form of fruits, milk and water and oxygen. You just think about them and focus to eat fruits and drink fresh water and take fresh air.
1. All people, please see, raining water. It is normal. Yes. But 1% think and save it because if you start to drink this water, your 90% diseases will health. It has big healing power.
2. Always health is in never give up. If you will never give up and follow nature, it will heal you. Take daily sun light. Take daily bathing of fresh water. Take positive think and say big, I am becoming healthy day by day.
3. Think positive always that disease comes from hate, anger and jealousy. Never think about anger, hate and jealousy.
2. Think, health is necessary for enjoying life. So, give it priority before eating anything.
Many people actually do not a priority to their health. They never think health is actual wealth instead of financial wealth. In a business meeting, they drink and eat non veg. both brings diseases for them. If they start to think that health is a real wealth for enjoying life, they will stop alcohol, smoking and non veg. within one day.
3. Think that health can open millions good opportunities for you.
If you start to think positive that if you are healthy, you can get millions of good opportunities for your life and you can take care of your life. You will sleep early in night and get up early in the morning.
I met a patient who is sleeping late night in USA because she is preparing her kid exam and she is allowing her kid to sleep early in the night because they think, it will make good marks to her kid but they never think positive that if they will sleep late night, it will kill millions opportunities which comes from good health.
These days media is killing us and gives us negativity. One youtuber is telling the symptoms of genius and told that late night people are genius. It is totally wrong and it is superstition because they make us fool. Get up early and learn is good for health.
4. Think, hard work for getting health through nature never waste.
You never think negative that nature is not working on you. Think positive nature is slow. If you are eating fresh fruits, it will take 3 months to heal your disease.
5. Think, God will bring health for you like free grass growth
You have to think positive that if you will work hard for healing your disease naturally, god will give its big reward. You see green grass. When green grass do not give up and never die in the summer, God feels happy and in the raining season, its growth is unlimited. Your health will grow like this. So, be patience and always work hard to get healthy naturally.
6. Think, your every health goal will achieve
You always think positive that your all health goal will achieve. Because your this thinking goes to your mind and brain and they feel positive and they work hard to release positive harmons and you will see that you are becoming healthy day by day and your all goals are achieving fastly. But it will start with positive thinking.
7. Think , your birth is for becoming healthy and fit.
Never talk against yourself and never insult your own identity. Yes, I know you have chronic disease but you never make your mind this chronic disease. You have to make healthy it first by saying with positive words that your birth is for becoming healthy and fit and you are brave to take all positive actions to follow natural rules of healing.