I am 41 years old and my birth year is 1980 and My hairs are black. You have to do hard work to find one white hair in my head. Do you want to become like me?
If you want to turn your white hair black naturally, you need to follow some simple following rules and regulations.
1. Stop to take the stress
Stress is the main reason of your white hair. Never take. If you have taken it, now stop it immediately by meditation daily.
(A) Stop Personal loan
The loan makes human old fastly. So, never take it. If took, fast repay it after this, you will get relax and you will get good sleep and naturally, your hair will start to black without any artificial use.
(B) Stop Educational Stress
Never take educational stress. Education is used for knowing new things. Study more books and understand the concepts. Never fear failure. Failure is part of success.
(C) Stop Health Stress
If you have any disease. No need to take the stress of disease. The disease will heal if you not take the stress and if you will not take the stress, your white hair will start to turn black naturally without any medicine.
2. Follow Brahmcharya
You must follow the brahmacharya. Stop to use 8 mathun for wasting vital energy of your life.
3. Eat Natural Food
Always eat only natural vegetarian food. Never eat non-veg and eggs and ship. All will white your hair.
Awala is great. Eat this fruit on the season.
4. Control Anger
It is my habit, if someone brings anger in me. I start to stop talk for 1 years. Use this formula. Anger goes, your white hair starts to become black hair.