Before understanding the concept of "How to Follow Brahmacharya in Digital Age 2018?, you should know what is the meaning of Brahmacharya.
Brahmacharya means to give your whole life for gaining true knowledge and devote your life for this.
For this, your focus of mind should be to gain knowledge. It is impossible if your minds wants to get pleasure in the form of different sexual food, anger food, ego food and waste his energy of sex, anger and ego and greed. If your mind is addicted to these negative emotions, you will be unable to use this energy for good cause of knowledge gaining.
Today to follow brahmacharya became more difficult than ancient age of India. One is process of information from second parties to you is super fast than old age due to internet. Lust thoughts of other can attack on you anytime and anywhere without any defense.
First of all you should learn, how mind adapt these lust thoughts and how fastly our body takes action.
Following are the steps "How to Follow Brahmacharya in Digital Age 2018"
1. Use Apps goal based
Make a goal and same app should be in your plan to achieve your goal. All other should delete.
2. Use google goal based
Make a goal and same search should be in your plan to achieve your goal. All other should avoid.
Make a goal and same video should be in your plan to achieve your goal. All other should avoid.
Make a goal and same person and its content should be in your plan to achieve your goal. All other should avoid.