I am Dr. Vinod and today we will talk about how we can treat any kind of blood cancer with Naturopathy. Guys went to the doctor when you had a fever or when you became infected in the body and in some places. There was pain in any part of body and then the doctor told you a lot of tests and he learned from them that you have blood cancer. You are 14 years old, you are 20 years old, your age is 30 years. But you felt stress what happened to you.
Now the doctor had done what he had to do. They have medicine, they have chemotherapy, they have a system of cell transplants.But they don't explain the root of causes. If you are young, young children are 15 years old, or 20 years old, you will first have to try of natural medicine in the form of natural food. You improve your illness and your self-healing will cure you.
Stop Your Bad Health Routines
They are having cancer. So I surveyed that I have studied. What is the time of morning meal in india's middle family, which we can see in their daily routines. Morning started tea tea. They think that Tea has survived their life but as per naturopathy, it has warrant of your all diseases. You are hungry and with very small money you can stop your hunger by drinking tea but you have to pay big price of health in long run. If you drink tea. It is slow poison which every Indian family is drinking. We can hunger trigger as the source of our healthy routine by eating Desi Cow Milk and Daliya. It will give energy and make new blood cell which will kill blood cancer.
Today you have a mobile in the hands today. The game is to be played in that mobile. They have done this routine. This is second mistake. Let's not have enough time to make own healthy food. They eat some of the fast food from the side of the side and it brings blood cancer.
In evening, they eat after 8 pm and then sleep. It brings blood cancer. You must improve all these mistakes by making good habits.
Make Your Health Routines
In morning, you must drink desi cow milk and cook and eat daliy without salt and sugar. In afternoon, you have eat roti with fresh fruits. In evening, you need to eat before 6 pm and also eat more and more green vegetables and fresh fruits.