What to do if there is No Child Even After 4 Years of Marriage. This is the question which comes and when they do not get solution, couple only gets depress. They do not do this. In naturopathy, there is full treatment of male and female infertility.
If there is the couple who does not have the baby even after lots of tries, this problem is of either Infertility in husband or in his wife. So, before Naturopathy Treatment of Infertility for Getting Baby, we understood its reasons.
There are two main reasons of infertility.
One is Husband has the problem of infertility physically due to other diseases or mentally infertility
Second is Wife in same couple has the problem of infertility physically or mentally due to other diseases.
There are lots of disease due to this, couples does not conceive the baby and wife is unable to pregnant.
Infertility in MALE Due to Following Diseases
- Less Sperm Counts (Less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen)
- Varicocele
- Hydrocele
- Prostate Diseases
- Retrograde ejaculation ( It means, semen comes in penis very less or no but it enter in bladder during the sexual climax. )
- Psychological premature ejaculation
- Sperm Transport Tube Blockage
- Tumors on Male Reproduction Organs
- Undescended testicles
- Hormone imbalances ( Specially less testosterone)
- Any Past Testicular or near area surgeries
Due to above diseases, there will not production of semen in the that male. No semen means no sperm and no sperm means no baby birth to same couple.
Infertility in FEMALE Due to Following Diseases
- Ovaries Cysts and Endometriosis
- Infection on uterus and Fallopian tubes
- Abnormal Periods ( Distrub ovulation)
- No Ovulation and no egg due to Emotional Stress
- Psychological premature ovarian failure
- Fallopian tube damage or blockage
- Tumors ( Fibroids and myomas) on Female Uterus
- Narrow of the cervix
- Hormone imbalances ( Specially PCOS)
- Any Past abdomen or pelvis Surgeries
Due to above diseases, there will not no care of sperm and semen which is donated by her husband and so, there will not baby even after 4 years.
Now, best ways is to treat it through naturopathy.
In naturopathy, there are following steps to heal both male and female infertility with following ways
1st Step : Stop Outside Food
All outside packed food is full of toxin. Same toxin makes the reproductive diseases both male and female. So, both never eat any outside food. They never eat any meda food, never eat any cold drinks, never eat any hotel food. All are barrier for male infertility and female infertility. Immediately stop to eat all such food. After some time, these toxin will stop and body will heal and your problem will solve.
2nd Step : Stop Eating Medicine
All medicine have big side effects. Stop Harmon balance medicine. Stop all other medicine. All will harmful for you couple. Stop it.
3rd Step : Drink Desi Cow Milk and Eat More Fruits
Such couple who has infertility problem, they have to start to drink desi Cow milk and eat more fruits. It will help to heal this fastly.
4th Step : Couple Must Follow Strict Rules of Brahmcharya for 1 year
Both male and female must follow bramcharya for 1 year. With this, they get save the vital energy which will use to heal all reproductive diseases naturally. When they will heal, they can join for fulfill their dream to become parent.
a) They must stop to watch all bad videos.
b) They must stop to listen all bad contents
c) They must stop to speak all bad things
d) They must stop to think all bad things
e) They must stop to remember all bad things
f) They must stop to plan all bad things
g) They must stop to action for all bad things
h) They must stop to read for all bad things
5th Step : Both Must Bring Happiness from Inside
Couple never behave with each other with compare each other, hate, anger and jealousy. All are negative emotions and bring sadness and decrease the daily happiness level. They have to respect, love, peace, gratitude for each other and it will bring happiness and they will both grow in the life and same happiness will help to increase their level of positive harmons and it will kill their reproduction harmons disorder. After this, woman can become pregnant.
6th Step : Recharge Your Stress Free Life with Proper Sleep, Yog, Meditation and Exercise
Both male and female couple must recharge their body battery by proper sleeping, yog, mediation and exercise. With this, their immune system will increase and they can become the parent of a beautiful baby.
a) They can start meditation with speaking OM daily. They can speak from 5 minutes to 1 hr.
b) In yog, they can do all asans and pranvayam. They can follow the yum and niyam
c) In sleeping, they must sleep at 8 pm and get up 4 am daily
d) With yog and meditation practice, male and female reproduction organ will strong, because it increases its strength through purity in mind.
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