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Health Insurance vs Naturopathy: No Money Lost, Only Health Gained

 Hello dear friends! I am Dr. Vinod Kumar, and you are watching the website of Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital. Today’s topic is "Naturopathy vs Health Insurance." Recently, I have watched several videos related to finance. In these videos, when financial experts talk about their planning, they emphasize one thing—that every person should get health insurance. They say that if you face a serious illness in the future, health insurance will help you.

1. Naturopathy’s Approach

In many cases, such as cancer, heart attack, surgery, or an organ transplant, millions of rupees are required—sometimes 5 lakhs, 10 lakhs, 20 lakhs, or even 50 lakhs. In such situations, financial experts always recommend getting health insurance. However, I would like to share a different perspective on this.

If a person is deeply knowledgeable in one subject, it doesn’t mean they are an expert in every subject. Especially when it comes to health. The principle of Naturopathy says that money is not required to treat any illness. Instead, if you organize your life with hard work, discipline, and sacrifice, you can naturally stay healthy.

Now, let’s understand in detail which diseases health insurance is recommended for and what natural remedies can be used to treat them.

By adopting Naturopathy, you can save the money spent on health insurance. This money can be used to build your wealth or create natural resources. Now, let’s talk about the history of health insurance.

2. History of Health Insurance

The concept of health insurance began in London in 1706, when the question arose as to how the future of a person’s children would be secured if they passed away. Under this thought, insurance for road accidents, fire, and other mishaps was introduced. But over time, this fear dominated people, and diseases were also brought under insurance coverage.

Today, health insurance companies believe that getting sick is inevitable. Therefore, they sell critical illness policies, covering things like strokes, heart attacks, surgery, liver diseases, and major hospital expenses such as ventilators and oxygen pumps. This insurance claims to cover your entire family.

3. Naturopathy and the Elements of the Body

But Naturopathy says that our body is made up of five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space. If you maintain the balance of these elements and live naturally, you can avoid diseases and completely avoid the costs of health insurance.

Naturopathy is an excellent and free alternative to health insurance, which can completely save you the expense of health insurance. I personally have never taken health insurance for myself or any of my family members because I have full faith in God and the nature He has created. If any member of my family faces any problem, we turn to Naturopathy for help.

4. How to Solve Problems Without Surgery

You might wonder, how can you rely on Naturopathy? Since 2016, I have made more than 30 videos on critical illnesses, explaining how these can be naturally healed. These videos detail how problems can be solved without surgery. If you watch these videos carefully and follow the steps mentioned, you won’t need to spend any extra money.

So why buy a health insurance policy when nature can heal us for free? The monthly, yearly, or lump sum expense on insurance can be saved. You can use this money to buy fruits and organic food, promote organic farming, and take care of cows. Naturopathy says that fruits and natural foods contain the medicines we need.

To avoid the heavy expenses of hospitals and medicines, I have explained natural cures for many diseases. Naturopathy teaches us how we can keep our body balanced and healthy through nature, eliminating the need for expensive treatments.

5. Treatment Without Medicines

Naturopathy offers a medical alternative that works not only without surgery and medicines but is also completely natural. I have made over 400 videos, with more than 70 videos specifically based on treatment without medicines and surgery. These videos provide detailed information on natural treatments for diseases related to the stomach, head, nose, ears, lungs, bones, nervous system, and chest.

All these diseases can be treated using the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space. For example, earth has an amazing ability to detoxify your body. This treatment costs absolutely nothing.

6. Mud Therapy

You can bring one foot deep soil from your garden or kitchen garden, soak it in water overnight, and then apply it all over your body. This natural soil is available in every home and can heal your diseases for free.

I have also created a special video on "Mud Therapy" that you can watch. The importance of soil is not only in Naturopathy but also in Ayurveda and Homeopathy. Both of these healing systems are based on herbs and plants that grow from the soil. Even chemicals used in Allopathy are derived from the earth or the sea.

So, when the root source of every medical system is soil and nature, why not directly rely on nature and treat our diseases through natural methods? Naturopathy is not only cheap but also a complete solution for a healthy life.

You can use soil for half an hour or an hour each day. The minerals and medicinal values in soil have the power to remove toxins from our bodies. This is a completely natural and easy treatment.

7. Water Therapy

Water, in itself, is an amazing healer.

By using water therapy, you can naturally keep your body healthy. Regular and proper intake of water cleanses the internal organs of your body and boosts your immunity. Using cold or hot water, steam therapy, and other natural water treatments help keep the body balanced.

Naturopathy’s remedies—mud and water therapy—provide a natural solution for your diseases. They have no side effects, and there is no expense involved. They are completely free and accessible to everyone.

8. Fire Therapy

Performing a Yajna (fire ritual) every morning is an effective remedy. Cow dung is used in this, especially dung from cows that roam in forests, along with desi ghee. This fire therapy releases medicinal properties that can keep your body healthy for up to 100 years, without any health insurance.

9. Air Therapy

If you go to a park and do pranayama under a peepal tree for just 10-15 minutes, it will strengthen your respiratory system, and you will be protected from lung and breathing diseases for life. In this way, the need for health insurance disappears.

10. Sky Therapy

Now let’s talk about the sky. When you are mentally calm and happy, the energy of the sky flows into your body. When you meditate every morning and chant God's name, the energy in your body increases. This prevents any illness, so there’s no need for health insurance. If you drink desi cow’s milk throughout your life or eat fruits and vegetables from your kitchen garden, you will always remain healthy because you are taking care of your health naturally.

Instead of spending money on health insurance, you can save it and plant small trees, or buy a small piece of land to grow fruits and vegetables. This will provide you with natural, nutritious food and oxygen for the world. If the need for health insurance vanishes, everyone can make Naturopathy their insurance and stay healthy.

If you want me to guide you personally, answer the questions given in the video and improve your lifestyle. It’s very important to avoid toxins and strengthen your immune system. If you analyze yourself and take the right steps, you won’t need a doctor’s help.

If you need personal treatment or guidance, you can contact me. My number is 9353259356 (Add +91 if calling from outside India). You can also reach me via Telegram.

Video Tutorial


Acidity,5,AIDS,2,Allergies,1,Anger Management,4,animal therapy,2,Answers,1,Asanas,9,Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition),2,Attitude,1,Bacterial diseases,1,bite treatment,1,Blood Pressure,5,Bone and joint Diseases,4,Boost Immune System,11,Brahmachari Song,1,Brahmacharya,31,Cancer,3,Cholesterol,1,Cold,1,Conceive the Baby,1,Constipation,1,Control Sexual Urges,1,Cough,3,cure baldness,1,Diabetes,1,Diagnosis,2,Diet Plan,16,Differences,1,digestion system,1,digestion system disease,1,Discipline Quality,1,Ear Diseases,1,Emotions,21,ENT,1,Environment Protection,4,Exercise for Health,50,Eyes Diseases,1,FAQ,1,Fasting,3,fat burn,2,Fever,2,Fibroids in Uterus,9,Fitness,1,Free Solutions,12,Gallbladder Stone,9,gangrene,1,Gastritis,1,ghee,1,God,1,Good Habits,7,Gratitude,3,Habit,1,Hair Diseases,3,Happiness,7,Heal,1,Health Dictionary,33,Health Motivation,15,Health Tips,56,Heart Diseases,4,Height Converter,1,Height Increase,28,Hernia,25,HIV,3,Human anatomy,1,Human Body,3,Hydrocele,10,Hypothyroidism,2,IBS,9,Indian Cow,1,Infectious diseases,3,Jaundice,1,Kidney Diseases,1,List of Fruits,1,Liver Diseases,9,Love,1,Lungs diseases,2,Meal Planning,2,Medical Test Reports,2,Meditation,3,Men's Health,3,Mind,6,Mud Therapy,1,Natural Medicine,10,Natural Foods,14,Nature,2,Naturopathy,1,Naturopathy Techniques,4,Naturopathy Treatment,60,Never Eat Meat,1,Night Fall,1,Niyam,1,Non- Veg.,1,Notification,1,Obesity,1,Ovary Cysts Solutions,4,overcome sex,5,Overcome Sexual Thoughts,1,Overcome the Addiction,16,Overweight,2,Oxygen Level,2,pain,11,Pancreas diseases,2,Peace of Mind,1,Personality Development,3,Piles,2,Plants and Tree Donation Campaign,1,Positive emotions,6,Positivity,7,Pranavayam,3,Pranayama,1,Productivity Tips,1,Psychological Treatment,43,Quiz,1,Relationship,1,Reproductive System Diseases,3,Reproductive System Health,3,Respectfulness,1,Respiratory system diseases,7,Running,2,Sciatica,1,Self Confidence,9,Shoulder Pain,6,Silence,3,Sinusitis,2,Skin Diseases,6,Solutions,24,song,2,Spleen Diseases,12,Stomach Diseases,21,Streches,1,Strength Exercises,5,stress,4,Stress Management,9,success,1,Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital,1,Symptoms of Diseases,13,Teeth Diseases,3,Testimonials,8,Thankfulness,2,thinking,5,Thoughts Leadership,5,Urinary System Diseases,1,Varicocele,15,Vegetables,1,Videos,2,Weight Gain,7,Weight Loss,4,Woman Naturopathy Treatment,20,Written Content,1,Yog,10,Yum,1,
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital: Health Insurance vs Naturopathy: No Money Lost, Only Health Gained
Health Insurance vs Naturopathy: No Money Lost, Only Health Gained
Swami Dayanand Naturopathy Hospital
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