Large people are taking loan for getting financial freedom. They took the loan for buying home, building, furniture, car, home TV, fridge, laptop, washing machine and other machines. Some took loan for own small business. I am against every type of taking loan. Because it has big health side effects. It will give only stress, tension, anxiety and depression. So, learn main side effects of taking loan
1. Loss of money in Interest Gives Stress
Every loss brings stress. If you earn the money and save some of its part for getting anything. You can save the loss of money in interest. For example, if you are giving 1% interest per month on your loan, it means, you are paying 12% interest. If you have earned Rs. 100 in one year, you have paid interest on loan of Rs. 12. Means, every year, you are becoming poor. So, poverty bring stress and stress makes negative harmons and you will get the disease because it will decrease your immune system.
2. Tension of Mind Doubt
Some time, you active income will not sure. For example, in past 2 waves crona. Millions of job goes to zero. So, you did not get active income and you will unable to pay your instalment and your interest will be on your interest that is called compound interest. Same bring new tension of mind doubt. You will doubt, you will unable to pay your debt and you will loss the property which you will get from loan. So, it will also hard side effects for your health. So, never take loan.
3. Pressure
You will start to overload your duty to repay your loan by compromising your health. You do overtime duty and sleep late night and then early morning, you start the work. It will give you less sleep and less sleep brings the problem of your health. So, never pressure your body by taking your loan. Give me promise, you will never take the loan in future and sell today your property to repay your loan.
4. Decrease your reputation
If you will not repay your loan. The Creditor can abuse you. He can insult you. He can say, you are a dishonest person who did not pay on the time. He can say, you are so lazy and wants to enjoy on loan money. He can threaten you that he will kill you if you does not pay his money. Do, you not feel sad from it. Will it not decrease your reputation. Is not it your emotional lose. Is not it hurt your heart.
Why did you take loan. For losing your reputation. For buying big house for becoming beggar. You reputation is your charater not your building, home, personal assets and AC CAR. Some people had suicide when they unable and hopeless for paying debt and some face cronic diseases and cronic diseass will help to leave the body fastly. So, God has give great birth. Enjoy healthy life and stop to take loan
5. Devaluation of your Own Asset
For example, you have taken loan of Rs. 1 Crore. You did not pay the loan of Rs. 1 Crore on its maturity. Bank took your home and sell it Rs. 50 Lakh and send you to footpath to live the life.
Do you tolerate this crisis of the devaluation of your own asset. Even, you will sell your home at Rs. 2 Crore by patience and finding good customer but BANK is fear of lossing all the money and bank wants fast own money. So, fastly, it will sell.
Same crisis will make you permanent patient of depression and depression will bring physical heart, lungs, kidney and intestine and brain diseases.