On 2nd jan. 2020, Today, we are celebrate the birthday of Guru Gobind Singh. At this great time, we have to learn great lesson from him.
1st Lesson : Be the Tiger
In this world, you can live like jackal or tiger. Choose is your. But, if you have choosen tiger life style. Show it with your good action.
1. Tiger has great willpower to do. You should have great willpower to do.
2. Tiger does not feel fear from anyone in jangal. You are also tiger. Never feel fear.
3. Tiger has big self confidence. You have to show your self confidence in adverse life situations.
4. Tiger has strong voice. Your Voice must also strong
2nd Be Eagle
You have to become eagle. Eagle has deep focus power. You have to focus your each action and thinking. If today, you feel weak. Start to practice and feel that you are eagle and fight millions of eagle alone. Eagle attacks on enemy with full energy and win the goal. You have to attack with full energy and win your goal also.
3rd Think Brave Thoughts
1. Think You are More Powerful than Eagle and Focus on Goal and Forget Your Pain.
2. Think You are Brave and You will become a Tiger from Jackal
3. Think you are bold and you get power to fight with 125000 people alone.
Following Video will help
Get Janam Sakhi and Read the Biography of Guru Gobind Singh Ji