First of all you should know what is Ringworm. Ringworm is disease in which there is infection in the top layer of your human body skin. There may be inflammation to fight this infection.
So, if your immune system is solid, it will heal in few days naturally.
1. You feel itchy and red rash.
2.There is red colour in circle or ring form.
3. Burning Sensation
Area of this Disease
- Scalp
- Groin
- Back of Neck
- Foots
- Nails
- Arams
- Face

Causes of Ringworm
Not cleaning the body with daily bath and washing with soap
Low level of immune system
Not Cleaning the Clothes
Wearing Tight Clothes
Use Other's Clothes and Towel and Underwear
Natural Treatment of Ringworm
1st Step : Do not Itch
It is truth, you feel to take action of itch but never never itch. Never do itch. Because it will increase more desire of itch, it will increase your ring warm problem
2nd Step : Use Aloe Vera Juice Instead Itch
When you have the desire to do itch, take juice of aloe vera fresh and pasted and it will heal immediately with in 7 days
3rd Step : Fight Infection Naturally by Eating More Green Lehsun Leaves
Eat it morning. Eat it afternoon and Eat it in Evening for 7 days
4th Step : Cleanliness
Clean your skin daily with soap
Clean your clothes, towel, underwear daily
Clean your bed and bed sheet
Clean internal body by exercise, walking and running
5th Step : Change Your Clothes daily
Your all clothes must be change daily
6th Step : Use Light Cotton Clothes
Never use other, try coton clothes.
Never tight it.
7th Step : Stop Salty, sweety and Oily food
It is necessary to cure ringworm
8th Step : Eat More Gajar, Muli, Shalgam, Chukandar, Palak va Sarso va Choli ka Sag
It is also necessary to heal ringworm fastly